Here are the steps for crafting your book cover design in Photoshop.
Book cover design adheres to specific guidelines.
In Photoshop, go to “File>Open” and locate the downloaded PDF. A dialog box will appear.
Ensure the following options are selected in the pop-up window:
- CROP TO: Select "Media Box"
- RESOLUTION: 300 Pixels/Inch
- MODE: CMYK Color
Click OK, and the template will open in a new window.
Initially, the template may be challenging to view clearly. Lock the template layer (the only layer) by selecting it and pressing the padlock icon.
Create a new layer (“Layer>New>Layer”).
This new layer will appear ABOVE the template layer; drag it BELOW the template layer. With the new layer selected, choose “Select>All” (Shortcut: Command+A on Mac, Ctrl+A on PC), then fill the background with White.
Navigate to “Edit>Fill,” choose "White" under contents, and ensure opacity is set to 100%. Lock this new layer as well.
Now, your template should be fully visible.
Insert a new layer between the template and the white background layer to start building your art. Alternatively, place existing art between the two locked layers and align your elements.
After completing your art, save it frequently as a PSD file for easy corrections. Save the final design as a PDF (PDF/X4:2008 is recommended, but earlier versions are acceptable).
Before saving as a PDF, hide or delete the template guides to prevent them from appearing in the final product. Upload the PDF file to your account for proofing.
If you prefer, OnPress also provides professional design and book formatting services.
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