Start by opening your PDF book cover design file in Illustrator using File > Open. It will open as a new document at the appropriate dimensions.
Transition the color space from RGB to CMYK through File > Document Color Setup > CMYK.
Secure the template layer to prevent unintended adjustments, then generate new layers as necessary for your cover design work.
Remember to save your progress frequently, ideally as an Illustrator document.
When you're prepared to save a PDF version, conceal the template guides, and use the Save As function to save it as a PDF/X4:2008.
Before uploading, it is best to conduct an A/B comparison between the blank cover PDF and your final file in Acrobat. Ensure they share the exact dimensions. If they match, you're likely doing it right!
If you are looking for professional cover design instead of doing it yourself, consider OnPress custom design services.
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